Welcome to Petsaver
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Petsaver.info is the reincarnation of a print magazine. The idea behind this publication was to help pet rescue organizations get their names out there while readers get great deals on pet-related products.
That is still what we are all about. Saving money is so important in these tough economic times. Saving animals and finding new adoptive homes for them are equally important. There will be some interesting articles sprinkled in to keep you informed on health and other issues. Please visit our sponsors and let them know you heard about them on PetSaver.info. Some of the most fantastic companion animals come from rescues. You might not know, but approximately 20% of shelter dogs and cats are purebred.
It takes a special person to adopt an animal. The animal is generally not a baby, but it can be in some cases. They may be “scratch and dent” animals, not exactly perfect. But whom among us is perfect?
Some people say that adopting an animal, going to the shelter and filling out the forms, are more complicated than adopting a baby human. Of course, it’s not really. But it might seem like that at times. The rescue groups are very careful about matching up dogs, cats, reptiles, amphibians, horses, rabbits, hamsters, rats, ferrets and even invertebrates with the right family. There is nothing more disheartening than finding a home for an animal, only to have it returned a day or two later. Running a rescue isn’t easy.
With that in mind, check out the rescue and adoption groups here. If you are thinking about surrendering a pet, keep in mind that many groups are overloaded with animals right now. It might take more than one phone call or email to find a place.
Rescue groups are welcome to contact us at any time to add or update the link to their site. We are just a place for the links, we do not run, vouch for or control any of the rescues found here. Links may not always work. We urge you to let us know if you find a link that is not functioning. We will find out what is wrong or delete it.
Interesting and informative articles can be found in our blog located on the sidebar. Check out our amazing advertisers offering specials just for you.
If you would like to be a guest blogger or share an article you wrote, please let us know. We are only looking for articles about care or other interesting pet-related topics. We are not interested in anything written from the animal’s point of view.
We love animals as much as you do!